Please fill out all of the information requested below to have your application considered for working as a Mystery Shopper.

Please read the Independent Contractor Agreement before filling out the form.

Username (no spaces)
First Name
Last Name
Day Phone
Evening Phone
What are the best times and days for us to contact you?
What major areas / cities / towns are you frequently in or around?
What days of the week and hours of the day are you available to work as a mystery shopper?   Please be specific:
Do you own or have unlimited access to a reliable motor vehicle?

How far in miles would you be willing to travel to a job site in one day?

Are you currently affiliated with any other service providing Mystery Shopping, spotting, or Market research (or any other simliar service to these)?
If you currently are not working with other services and start at a later time, do you agree to maintain the confidentiality of our clients and QAC, and inform us of your services with this other company?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Please describe if the answer is yes:
Are you over the age of 21?
It may be necessary for QAC shoppers to drink a small amount of alcohol (within the legal limits of the law to drive) at a bar or restaurant.  Will you be able to comply with this?
Are there any other limitations we need to know about?
How did you hear about QAC?
Mystery Shopping Experience: If you have worked as a mystery shopper before, please list all those companies you have previously worked for or currently work for:
Writing Sample: Clear, concise, and detailed reports require being able to write in that manner. Please provide a brief sample (4-6 paragraphs) of your writing style. You can submit prose from a report you have written (which is preferable) or describe why you feel you would be a good mystery shopper.
Agreement to the Independent Contractors Agreement (ICA)
Type in the box below: I agree to the terms in the ICA