Day of Visit: 10-20-1999
Client: SAMPLE
Location: SAMPLEVILLE - Main Street
Business Level: Busy
Employee 1: Mark (WM, 25-29, 6'0", brown wavy hair, mustache, white shirt and tie, dirty apron, name tag, no introduction)
Employee 2: Beth (WF, 30-35, 5'4", dark blond hair worn down and loose, rumpled white shirt with tie, no name tag or introduction)
Sub ID: 2

1. Was the walkway clean in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Were there NO cigarette butts around the entrance? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Were the doors opened for those entering/exiting? (1 pts.)       NA
4. Was the outside lot clean in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Was the lot lighted in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Were all lights operational to all sides? (1 pts.)   N  
7. Were the handicapped spaces available/marked? (1 pts.) Y    
8. Was the rear door closed and secure? (10 pts.)   N  
9. Was the dumpster area clean and secure? (No trash on ground)? (1 pts.)   N  
10. Was the door brass polished and shiny in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Were the walkways clean/dry/ in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Was music audible outside? (1 pts.)     NA
13. Comment:       
The front entrance sign was fully lighted but one of the menu features was misspelled (STEAK TARTER) on the board underneath. The walkway around the unit was clean but there was a large pile of cigarette butts and toothpick wrappers on the ground just outside the main door. The rear door was ajar when we arrived and open with a screen door (providing the only security) when we exited. The dumpster was full and the lid was down but there were boxes and bread racks all around the outside of the dumpster area. The handicapped spaces were marked but one was taken by a BUICK (registration 333-XXX) that had no HP plate or sticker. All of the building lights were on to all sides of the unit.

Scored 7 out of 19 possible points

1. Was the doorman standing? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Did doorman check the ID of all under 30 guests to enter? (10 pts.)   N  
3. Did doorman check the guest ID picture vs. face? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Did doorman have an available ID booklet? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Did doorman question any ID or use ID book at any time? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Did the doorman refrain from smoking/eating while on duty? (1 pts.) Y    
7. Did doorman open doors for entering/exiting guests? (1 pts.)   N  
8. Was doorman pleasant and polite with all guests? (1 pts.) Y    
9. Comment:       
There was a single male doorman (WM, 6'0", 25-30, muscular build, clean shaven, very short hair, black jacket) on duty when we arrived at 7:10. He was seated off to the side of the entrance and inconsistently rose to open doors for new guests (he opened the doors for two female guests but rarely for two males) and his greeting was "ID please". We noted he inconsistently asked male under 30 guests for ID but asked for the ID of nearly all female guests, including some females clearly over 30. He smiled when taking the ID but looked only at the date on the ID and never compared the picture on the ID against the card holder's face. An ID booklet was visible on his chair/stool but not used to check an out of state ID we presented. Of the 10-12 young looking guests we observed around the entrance, none were asked any questions or asked to show a second form of ID. The doors were not opened for any exiting guests (including women) and the doorman nodded and said "G'night now" as we passed.


Scored 3 out of 17 possible points
1. Was the bar/lounge area moderately lighted? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Was the interior lighting at an appropriate level? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Was the area comfortable in temperature? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Was there audible music in the area? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Were the TV sets tuned to news or sports programming only? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Were guests watching asked before channels changed? (1 pts.)   N  
7. Was the bar top clean and dry (no food bits in rail?) (1 pts.) Y    
8. Did condiments all have clean caps and necks? (1 pts.)   N  
9. Were menus clean and crisp with no stains? (5 pts.)   N  
10. Were ashtrays visible? Clean and wiped? Maintained thru visit? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Were there ashtrays in the front entry area or near bar? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Was the back bar neat and organized in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
13. Were the merchandise displays neat in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
14. Was the register pole display WORKING and visible to guests? (1 pts.) Y    
15. Was the floor and table area cleaned and maintained? (1 pts.) Y    
16. Comment:       
The bar area was moderately lighted (one light over a side table had a bulb that was much brighter than the rest) with audible music that did not inhibit conversation. The TV sets were tuned to NFL FOOTBALL with no audible play-by-play or close-captioning. At 8:00 one TV set was changed to a different game without asking any of the guests watching that set. In another instance the bartenders handed the remote clicker to a guest they knew and the channels were then changed at that guest's whim. When we stood for several minutes in front of the merchandise display of T-shirts (near the host stand) neither the bartenders or hosts asked if we were interested in purchasing any of the items. The bar top was clean and dry in all areas but nearly all table tents were all creased and torn or the plastic holders were chipped and cracked at the base. All of condiments were 1/2 to 2/3 full and the ketchup bottle caps and necks were clean. The mustard jar had an extremely crusty cap and neck full of dried product. Our ashtray was emptied and wiped after 1-2 butts each time, and the female bartender capped the ashtray with another when pulling it away. The male bartender did not do this and simply pulled the ashtray away, emptied it, and did not wipe it out before returning it. Ashtrays were not wiped when set in front of new guests. Matches were available in large goblets along the bar. There were no instances noted where the bartenders could have lighted a guest's cigarette.

Scored 11 out of 19 possible points

Back Bar
1. Was back bar interior lighting dim? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Was the back bar neat and organized in ALL areas? (1 pts.)   N  
3. Was the bar top clean and dry in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
4. Was the bar floor clean/dry in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Were drink specials posted anywhere in the bar area? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Was silverware spotless? (no water spots) (5 pts.) Y    
7. Was there snack mix visible on the bar top and placed in front of new guests? (1 pts.) Y    
8. Were table tents clean and visible in all areas? (1 pts.)   N  
9. Were all condiments full and have clean caps and necks? (1 pts.) Y    
10. Was hanging glassware clean in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Was the back bar seasonally decorated/attractive? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Was fruit tray not overfilled? (1 pts.)   N  
13. Were beer coolers operational/clean or ice bins full/.iced? (1 pts.) Y    
14. Comment:       
The back bar area was cluttered with empty bottles, racks of clean drink glasses with missing mats underneath, and a female's pocketbook. There were water stains on the outside of the coolers (lights were working when the doors were opened) and the outside of the register was grimy and heavily fingerprinted. The hanging glassware above the service bar showed no water stains and was not hung up until it had dried so it did not drip on any guests seated underneath. Drink specials were posted in two areas behind the bar but never mentioned by either bartender when greeting guests or taking orders.

Snack mix was visible in front of several guests at the bar but we were not offered any at any time after taking seats; when we requested one, the female bartender placed down a small fresh bowl of mix but never offered a refill when it was finished. Partially eaten bowls of product were left on the bar top and not discarded when guests vacated. The fruit tray was overfilled with fruit (limes and oranges were clearly over the refrigerated or iced sections) and we observed very few mixed drinks served that required either of the two garnishes.

The bar top was not wiped and clean when we took seats and MARK wiped the bar top down just before greeting us. In several instances we noted that guests took seats at areas that were not wiped of food crumbs or spilled, even when the no one had been seated there for several minutes.

Scored 14 out of 17 possible points

Bar Greeting
1. Were you acknowledged at the earliest possible time? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Were you asked for a drink order at the greeting? (1 pts.)   N  
3. Was the Happy Hour buffet mentioned or pointed out to new guests? (1 pts.) Y    
4. Were coasters/bevnaps placed down for all drinks? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Did bartender attempt to upsell any mixed drinks to call liquors OR a larger size? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Did bartender attempt to upsell any draft beers to larger sizes? (1 pts.) Y    
7. Were appetizers or specials mentioned if available? (1 pts.) Y    
8. Was it established if you had been in before? (1 pts.)   N  
9. Was it explained to new guests the beer is brewed on premise? (1 pts.)     NA
10. Did server appear knowledgeable about beer choices? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Were you offered a menu at any time? (1 pts.)   N  
12. Were any food additions mentioned when menu accepted? (1 pts.) Y    
13. Were drinks served within 3 minutes of order taken? (1 pts.) Y    
14. Did server handle glasses by the barrels (not the rims) when serving? (1 pts.)   N  
15. Were refills offered before glasses were empty? (1 pts.) Y    
16. Were guests under 30 ALL asked for ID before being served? (10 pts.) Y    
17. Did bartender look at picture/guest face as well as birthdate? (1 pts.) Y    
18. Did bartender serve NO other drinks without seeing guests receiving them? (1 pts.)   N  
19. Comment:       
Mark did not greet us in any manner when we sat down (he was working directly in front of us) and waited two full minutes until he had finished washing glasses and taking a service order before he placed down bevnaps (logo not facing the guests) in front of us and said "how are you guys?" and waited for us to order. Mark greeted all new guests he did not know in a similar manner but immediately and warmly greeted two guests he knew by name ("Stevie, where you been? What can I getcha?").

Mark did not mention the food buffet in the corner of the room at any time and while menus were visible on the bar in front of some guests, Mark never offered them to us or anyone else around us. The two buffet table items were in clean warming pans but the sternos under each pan were out and never replaced; only one of the pans had a serving spoon. There were small plates and silverware available.

Mark did check the ID of younger looking guests to enter (we noted some guests entered while the doorman was away from the door area and were not asked for ID before they reached the bar). When two male guests told Mark "we showed an ID at the door" and he replied "well, show it to me again, I am the one who will get in trouble". He looked at both the ID and picture, glanced up the guest's face before he returned it, and said "thanks Tim" (using the name from the ID). Just before we were ready to leave, a male guest who clearly appeared intoxicated (shuffling, red eyed, slurring some words) approached the bar and was served a beer by Mark. The guest appeared to be asleep (head down on the bar) when we exited. Both Mark and Beth attempted to upsell mixed drinks to call liquors and draft beers to larger sizes. When asked for a gin and tonic, Mark said "Tangueray OK?" and when we hesitated he said "Beefeater? Bombay?". Draft beers were offered "16 or 23 ounce?". All beers (draft and bottled) were served in a frosted glass but the beer was not poured for female guests and the label of the bottle was not faced towards the guests.


Scored 19 out of 26 possible points

Bar Attitude
1. Did bartender wear a clean uniform? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Did BT have clean, standard uniform (black slacks, black belt, no sleeves rolled up , ties tight) ? (1 pts.)     NA
3. Did bartender introduce themselves to you at any time? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Did bartender use positive words consistently? (Please/Thank You/Wonderful) (1 pts.)   N  
5. Did bartender initiate any conversation with guests they did not know outside of order taking? (10 pts.)   N  
6. Did bartender smile often and establish eye contact with guests easily? (1 pts.) Y    
7. Did BT listen well to guests when ordering? (1 pts.) Y    
8. Did BT appear to be enjoying the work? (1 pts.) Y    
9. Would you return and ask for the bartender? (1 pts.)   N  
10. Was bartender well organized and knew products and procedures? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Did bartender seem to enjoy interacting with people? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Did BT refrain from speaking about store problems/policies in earshot of bar guests? (1 pts.)   N  
13. Did bartender refrain from eating/smoking/gum chewing/hands to face while working behind the bar? (1 pts.)   N  
14. Did bartender refrain from drinking anything while behind the bar? Describe: (1 pts.)   N  
15. Did BT compliment any orders when taking them? (1 pts.)   N  
16. Did BT use a pen with no logo and carry a wine key with them? (1 pts.) Y    
17. Comment:       
Both bartenders were pleasant and polite with all guests but neither ever initiated any conversation with anyone they did not know at any time outside of the order taking. Mark rarely smiled while working, while Beth was the more energetic of the two and seemed to enjoy the work more. The two bartenders frequently used free time to chat in hushed tones to each other about the business level and something they were planning on doing later after work. Both bartenders spoke frequently with the service staff during free time; one such conversation was about the poor tips one waitress had received and the bartender Mark said to Beth "she (the wait) has been on probation since she started here" and both were not surprised her tips were poor.

Neither bartender introduced themselves to anyone they did not know but names were overheard for both people. Mark was drinking what appeared to be a soft drink in a large plastic cup and he held it in full open view on the back bar. Beth drank from a coffee cup held out of view by the side of the dishwasher. Beth frequently coughed into her hands as she worked, but never washed her hands before returning to making drinks and serving food items.

Scored 7 out of 24 possible points

1. Were any guests "shut off" by the bartender? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Did bartender use an ice scoop to properly handle ice? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Were you offered various brands of liquor available? (1 pts.) Y    
4. Was there nothing in the drink ice bin but ICE? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Did BT know wine characteristics when asked? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Was a Special Drink menu available and handed to you when asked for? (1 pts.)     NA
7. Did bartender accurately use jigger to pour all drinks? (1 pts.) Y    
8. Did bartender wash the jigger out between liquor pours or use separate jiggers for different liquors? (1 pts.)   N  
9. Did bartender free pour single liquor drinks to consistent counts? (1 pts.)   N  
10. Did bartender handle glasses by the barrels rather than the rims? (1 pts.)   N  
11. Were all drinks placed down on bevnaps/coasters? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Were refills offered within 3 minutes of finishing drinks? (1 pts.) Y    
13. Were drinks garnished correctly? (1 pts.) Y    
14. Did bartender know how to make all requested drinks? (1 pts.) Y    
15. Were wine portions all poured 80 % full (6 ounces in 8.5 ounce glass)? (1 pts.) Y    
16. Were all draft beers poured with a one inch head? (1 pts.) Y    
17. Did BT know beer and wine choices when asked? (Product Knowledge) (1 pts.)   N  
18. Comment:       
Both Mark and Beth used an ice scoop to handle ice but Beth constantly used her open hand to guide the ice into the glass and then often packed the ice in the glass with the same hand. There were no juice or wine bottles in the drink ice bin we could see from our seats.

Both Mark and Beth used a jigger for all single liquor drinks but Mark drag poured the liquor to a 1-2 count after tipping the jigger each time, while Beth poured a measured, accurate shot. For up drinks and two liquor drinks we noted both bartenders freepoured the drinks to varying counts and levels. Beth poured up drinks to level 1/2 inch under the rim of the up glass while Mark filled the glasses and tossed the ice and what appeared to be 1-2 ounces of mix left in the glass shaker. Beth poured a snifter drink with the glass on it's side, but then added a two count when she righted the glass (making the liquor level reach the widest portion of the snifter).

When we asked Mark what he had for bottled beer he pointed to a display on the back wall and said "they are all right there" and then turned to work the service area. When we asked for Fosters (which was on the display shelf) he said "we don't have any Fosters.... haven't had it for a long time". When asked what he had for red wine Mark shrugged and handed us a table tent that had the listings. When Mark finished a bottle of vodka, he pulled the pourer and fully drained the bottle before starting a new bottle. We noted some bottles on the back bar, which were top shelf liquors, had no pourers on the bottles at all. Both bartenders made and presented all new drink orders within three minutes in all instances, including some two and three liquor drinks that were ordered.

Scored 11 out of 16 possible points

Cash Handling
1. Was the pole display operational and visible to the largest amount of guests? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Was there no key in the register drawer? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Were all call liquors charged properly as call? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Did server clearly quote price of drinks when making cash sales? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Did server call tendered bill denomination? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Did server count change back when returning it? (1 pts.)   N  
7. Was a receipt returned with all cash sale change? (1 pts.)   N  
8. Were all check payments picked up within 3 minutes of $ down? (1 pts.) Y    
9. Did server use guest's name from credit card when returned? (1 pts.)   N  
10. Were guests thanked for the sales and/or cash tips left on the bar? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Were all CT wait cash transactions entered properly at time of service? (5 pts.) Y    
12. Did bartender check all wait dupes at service before pouring drinks? (1 pts.)   N  
13. Did server go DIRECTLY to the register and enter a visible sale for the proper or quoted amount after each service? (10 pts.)   N  
14. Did BT enter all cash sales properly where guests had no view of register display? (1 pts.)   N  
15. Were any drinks bought for guests by the bartender? (1 pts.)   N  
16. Was a manager involved if any drinks were bought for guests? (1 pts.)     NA
17. Did bartender refrain from cashing out tips in the register drawer? (1 pts.)   N  
18. Comment:       
Mark's cash handling was consistent but not detailed. He quoted prices for cash sales but did not call any tendered bills or count change back to anyone when returning it. Receipts printed with most cash transactions but they were not returned with the change. Mark's register steps were direct with all check sales but were not for all cash sales; occasionally the sales amounts on the display did not match the amounts quoted. Occasionally the amount was much less, sometimes we saw a previous check balance that was very high (unknown whose check but not the guests being waited on) was displayed rather than the proper cash sale amount. The register pole display was visible but turned so it faced the shorter end of the bar rather than an area where most of the guests were seated.

At 8:20 Mark served a rose wine and a white wine to standing guests, quoted a price of $9.00, then accepted a $10.00 bill without calling the denomination. He went to the register with the bill but placed it atop the drawer and did not enter the sale at this time. Mark then served a single white wine to another guest, quoted a $4.50 sale, and took an unknown cash payment from this second guest. Mark then entered a $4.50 sale to the register, placed BOTH payments into the drawer, and returned change to both guests with no receipts returned. The $9.00 sale did not appear entered or visible on the display.

At 8:40 Mark served a Sam Adams draft to a young male guest at the end of the bar with no direct cash transaction (the guest had placed a $10.00 on the bar top) until 4 minutes later at 8:44. At this time Mark entered an unknown sale amount that flashed $19.27 on the display (probable check total from an uncashed check) and returned change to the guest. No receipt was returned and none printed.

Beth quoted prices for cash sales (often she pre-entered the sales in order to get a price to quote and she did not appear to know or be able to add the prices as she made the drinks) and did not call tendered bill denominations. Beth placed the tendered bills atop the drawer, removed change, and then placed the tendered bill in the drawer each time. She did not count change back to the guests but she did count the change back to herself. A receipt was not returned with any cash sales. Beth clearly went directly to the register and entered a visible and verifiable sale to the register for all cash sales.

Beth's steps to the register were not as consistent for sales to existing checks. In several instances, Beth served drinks to guests who had a check on the bar top in front of them but did not update the check until 5-25 minutes after the drink service. One group of guests that she spoke with constantly (two females, 25, reddish brown hair, two earrings in each ear), were drinking white wine and sharing an unknown appetizer when we arrived. Beth served them two refills of the wine at 9:00, and one more wine at 9:22, and did not update the check at any time to include the last three drinks. They cashed out on an AMEX credit card at 9:50 for $12.00.

Scored 11 out of 29 possible points

Bar Food Service
1. Did server approach for food order within 3 min of closing menu? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Did bartender ask how much time travelers had to eat? Know cook times? (1 pts.)     NA
3. Did bartender mention food specials at any time before the order was taken? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Was fresh pepper offered with pasta/salad items? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Did bartender set up guests for service well before meals arrived? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Was silverware clean and NOT water spotted? (1 pts.) Y    
7. Were food items served in reasonable time ( 13 minutes)? (1 pts.)   N  
8. Were women served first in all instances? (1 pts.) Y    
9. Was food served with main item at 6:00 towards the guest? (1 pts.) Y    
10. Was food delivered correctly with no food auction? (1 pts.)   N  
11. Did bartender check back on food quality within 5 minutes of service? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Did bartender offer any additional items with meals (soup/salad)? (1 pts.)   N  
13. Did bartender offer dessert to any guests eating meals @ bar? (1 pts.)   N  
14. Did bartender specifically suggest any food items at any time? (1 pts.)   N  
15. Were plates cleared with 3 minutes of being done? (1 pts.) Y    
16. Was coffee served on a saucer with spoon/creamers? (1 pts.) Y    
17. Was a coffee refill offered at any time? (1 pts.)   N  
18. Were fajita orders served with lemon squeeze at time of service? (1 pts.)     NA
19. Were hot sauces offered to all guests eating foods at the bar? (1 pts.)     NA
20. Comment:       
We were never offered menus and 15 minutes after we arrived we asked Mark if the kitchen was still open. He said "Sure, would you like to see menus?" and presented a single menu to two guests and did not mention if any specials were available as well. We closed the menu at 7:25 but were not approached for a food order by Mark until 7:33. We placed an order for a chicken sandwich and nachos but Mark did not set up the bar top for food service until the meals were served at 7:49. The silverware was clean but Mark handled the silver by the eating surfaces rather than the handles. There was no check back to any guests on food quality at any time while the guests were eating. Mark asked "How was that?" when clearing the empty plates at 8:05.
Scored 7 out of 16 possible points

Bar Overall Service
1. Did bartender greet you within 1 minute whether order taken on not? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Was the greeting genuinely friendly and professional? (1 pts.)   N  
3. Did bartender introduce themselves by name by beverage order delivery? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Did BT engage in pleasant small talk with you or someone in your party? (1 pts.)   N  
5. Did BT attempt to upsell liquor brands or promotions at any time? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Did BT mention specific appetizers or other food items in attempt to upsell you? (1 pts.)   N  
7. Did BT remember who was ordering what without asking and serve female first? (1 pts.)   N  
8. Did BT enthusiastically check back on food/drink quality appropriate times? (1 pts.)   N  
9. Were all sales entered properly and accurately within 2 minutes of the service? (1 pts.)   N  
10. When leaving did bartender provide a genuine thank you/friendly send off? (1 pts.)   N  
11. Comment:       
QAC NOTE: This is a client-specific section where a client wanted a section that dealt with these important questions only. They graded the report based on the answers to these questions. We can devise a section such as this, or create a checklist with any questions specific to your business.

Scored 1 out of 10 possible points

Cocktail Servers
1. Do the CT waits make food and drink suggestions? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Are bevnaps used with all drink service? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Did CT wait use trays for all drinks service? (1 pts.) Y    
4. Did CT wait handle glasses by the barrel and not the rim? (1 pts.)   N  
5. Did CT wait quote the price due before payment? (1 pts.) Y    
6. Did CT wait call the tendered bill denomination? (1 pts.)   N  
7. Did CT wait count change back when returning it? (1 pts.)   N  
8. Did CT wait thank the guest for the sale? (1 pts.) Y    
9. Did the CT wait thank the guest for cash tips? (1 pts.) Y    
10. Did the CT wait handle all other cash transactions in a consistent manner? (1 pts.) Y    
11. Were prices from the CT wait the same as those charged at the bar? (1 pts.) Y    
12. Was the CT wait consistently in the area every 10 minutes or less? (1 pts.)   N  
13. Comment:       
The cocktail wait in the lounge area was Maria (female, 20's, brown hair tied back, nose jewelry, clean standard uniform with dirty black apron, no name tag or introduction) and she handled all of the small tables and standing guests who did not order drinks directly from the bartender.

Maria approached two guests nearby within 90 seconds of their arrival and said "Can I get you anything to drink while you wait for your table? Iced Tea? Wine? Cocktail?". She asked couples with dining room beepers if they wanted to look at a menu while waiting, and offered to take appetizer orders as well and told one group "I can have the nachos out in less than five minutes if you want something quick". Maria attempted to upsell mixed drinks to call liquors where possible and quoted prices clearly for cash sales (the prices matched bar prices we later noted; wine was $4.50 in both places and smaller drafts were $3.00).

Maria's cash handling was inconsistent however; she called the tendered bills but did not count change back and did not return proper change amounts. When she quoted a price of $7.50 for one round and accepted a $20.00, she returned $12.00 in bills but not the coin change. When we asked for the change she admitted she did not have any, so we told her to keep it. Subjectively, when she later did the same thing with another group of guests, it appeared she consistently did not return change in the hopes of making all the guests leave it as a tip, then possibly include a dollar bill as well.

Scored 8 out of 12 possible points

Food Quality
1. Were meals attractively presented? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Was hot food hot/ cold food cold? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Were all items served as described in the menu? (1 pts.) Y    
4. Were you asked if anything else was needed? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Was any re-cooked item brought to the table by a manager? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Comment:       
The chicken sandwich was served on an oval plate with hot, crisp fries, a garnish of kale and a fresh orange slice, and a small plastic soufflé of barbecue sauce. The chicken was tender and hot and served on a fresh sesame seed bun.

The nachos were hot and crisp and colorfully topped with melted cheese, jalepeno slices, diced tomatoes, diced olives, and diced green peppers. The chips were slightly burned on the top and very greasy at the bottom; the chips were mostly broken and smaller pieces in all areas. The nachos were double plated when served. There were side soufflés of salsa and sour cream served with the nachos.

Scored 3 out of 5 possible points

Check Presentation
1. Was the check always visible and reachable at the bar? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Was the check presented within five minutes of request? (1 pts.)     NA
3. Was total circled and check personalized THANK YOU? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Was the check processed within 3 minutes of placing down? (1 pts.) Y    
5. Did wait use guest's name on the credit card when returning it? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Were you thanked for coming and asked to return? (10 pts.)   N  
7. Comment:       
Checks were all held atop the bar in front of the guests rather than on the back bar or in the register only. Guest names were not taken or written on the checks by the bar staff at any time. The check was not personalized but listed ALL of the items purchased. When MARK took the payment (after the card had been down for two minutes) he processed the charge but did not use the card holder's name when returning the voucher and said only "yellow copy is yours". Some guest were thanked for payment but no one was asked to return. The pen had a logo of another restaurant on it.
Scored 2 out of 14 possible points

Manager Presence
1. Was manager visible in the dining room area during the meal? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Was manager visible in the bar area during the visit? (1 pts.)   N  
3. Were any problems with drinks/food handled by the manager? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Was any re-cooked item brought to the guest by a manager? (1 pts.)   N  
5. Did manager pro-actively visit any bar guests they did not know? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Did manager pro-actively visit any tables of unknown guests in the dining room? (1 pts.)     NA
7. Comment:       
The only possible manager observed was a male, 40, 6'0", mustache, dark hair with side part, clean pressed white shirt and tie, dark slacks with keys hung from the belt. The manager was observed walking through the dining room and chatting with table guests, but he never entered the bar area other than standing briefly at service and looking at the business level. He did not visit any bar guests at any time.

When a guest across the bar returned a burger for being overcooked, the bartender Mark returned with the re-cooked item and the manager did not visit or appear aware of the problem. At one point Mark asked the manager (who was seated at a bar table watching TV) for his keys to stock liquor. The manager handed the keys over with no comment and never left the table.

Scored 1 out of 5 possible points

1. Did server bus/serve any other guests of another server? (1 pts.) Y    
2. Did server pick up any floor debris rather than walk past? (1 pts.)   N  
3. Did BT/Server check with each other for specific needs? (1 pts.)   N  
4. Comment:       
Mark occasionally walked down the bar and took drink refill orders from guests initially served by Beth. The two bartenders rarely conversed with each other and spent most of their free time speaking with guests they knew or wait staff at the service stands. On three separate occasions Mark left the bar to get food or other items, but never told Beth he was going off the bar or asked her to cover for him at service. As a result, new guests who approached the bar to the service end waited 2-3 minutes for a greeting and the wait staff waited for drinks until Mark returned. One wait called out "BETH, a little help please?" to get her attention, then went behind the bar and made the drinks herself.
Scored 1 out of 3 possible points

Rest Rooms
1. Was floor clean of all paper/ water debris? (1 pts.)   N  
2. Was there a visible sign directing employee use? (1 pts.) Y    
3. Was there ample paper and soap supplies in all areas? (1 pts.) Y    
4. Were all fixtures clean (include air grates/ walls/etc) (1 pts.)   N  
5. Were checklists updated and current? (1 pts.)   N  
6. Was the waste basket lined and covered? (1 pts.) Y    
7. Did the room have a pleasant odor? (1 pts.) Y    
8. Comment:       
The men's room vanity was water covered and the mirror was heavily water stained. The urinals had screens and odor blocks but the newspaper boxes over the urinals had a three day old newspaper posted over them and the boxes were unlocked. The checklist on the back of the door was last signed off at 5:00 when we checked after 9:00 PM. There was ample paper and soap in all areas. The wall near the urinals not clean and the stall dividers had various obscene graffiti visible. The seat on the toilet in the larger stall was very loose and moved a great deal from side to side.
Scored 4 out of 7 possible points

Category Points Scored Question Weight Percentage
Building 7 19 36.84%
Doorman 3 17 17.65%
Ambiance 11 19 57.89%
Back Bar 14 17 82.35%
Bar Greeting 19 26 73.08%
Bar Attitude 7 24 29.17%
Pouring 11 16 68.75%
Cash Handling 11 29 37.93%
Bar Food Service 7 16 43.75%
Bar Overall Service 1 10 10.00%
Cocktail Servers 8 12 66.67%
Food Quality 3 5 60.00%
Check Presentation 2 14 14.29%
Manager Presence 1 5 20.00%
Teamwork 1 3 33.33%
Rest Rooms 4 7 57.14%
Summary 110 239 46.03