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Bartender Integrity

QACi Bar Shops completely detail:

Your bartenders work in a unique situation. Your wait staff have to enter food and drinks to the system to get them and sell them to guests. Your bartenders have direct access to the product and the cash register and no such controls. The result is that they have a greater opportunity to abuse the system. Will your bartenders enter cash sales for soft drinks to guests that have no view of the register or pole display? Do they properly update regular guest's checks after each service? Will they pour the same size drink for all guests? Will they do anything to personalize the service and turn a new guest into a regular? In many restaurants, the best waiters and waitresses are promoted to the bar from the wait staff because of their outstanding service performance. We will use various role plays to determine their cash handling integrity and if their overall service is still at a high standard. The results will give you a very clear picture of their service, cash handling, and register steps as well as reveal if they use their free time to clean, to chat with guests, or just chat with each other.