Please read this agreement carefully before filling out the online application.

You agree to work as an independent contractor, accepting mystery shopping assignments on an as-needed basis. You are not an agent, employee, partner, or affiliate of QACi, and QACi is not your employer. You are free to engage in other related activities with other mystery shopping companies.

Based on your Independent Contractor status, QACi will not withhold or deduct any income tax, FICA or social security taxes, or any other taxes on any compensation you receive from working with QACi. QACi will provide you and all appropriate agencies a 1099 form for all income earned from QACi (from $600.00 and over) in a calendar year.

Assignments are issued by being posted on the QACi web site or by a direct call from a QACi scheduler. By accepting the assignment you agree to complete and submit the report to QACi in the specified time frames described to you when scheduled. In the event you are unable to complete a scheduled assignment that you have previously accepted, you agree to notify QACi via e-mail or phone at the earliest possible time so the job can be re-assigned.

The compensation and reimbursement amounts vary client by client and location by location.. The compensation will be clearly stipulated in the scheduling process on line or via phone. QACi will reimburse other out of pocket expenses where the amounts do not exceed stated guidelines and are accompanied by written receipts that are submitted with the report.

You are required to submit the completed on-line report, with completed prose comments, to the QACi web site within 48 hours of the visit or scheduled time of the assignment. Reports received after this time, or inaccurate/ incomplete work, may not be eligible for compensation or reimbursement.

The materials supplied by QACi, as well as information of a confidential nature that is gathered during the shopping visits, is not to be duplicated or disseminated in any form to anyone without the prior written consent of QACi.

You are not to accept any assignment if you are an immediate family member, an employee of, or an ex-employee of a client you are assigned to shop.


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